Theresa Public Library Meet Amber Sawyer and Racing horse Derek Bromac N June 15th at 2pm at Theresa Public Library Local Author Amber Sawyer who has written the book,” LOVE to RACE , will be at Theresa Public Library along with Derek Bromac N the racing horse June 15th at 2pm The book is the story of harness racehorse, Derek Bromac N. After racing in New Zealand as a 2-, 3-, and 4-year-old, Derek was shipped to California to begin his racing career in the United States. Amber Sawyer will be here to tell you how she was able to bring this lovely horse home and how her believe in his completive Spirit has kept him and her family going to the races.This story was written by his owner Amber Sawyer, and beautifully illustrated by Tami Joe DeLisle.