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Crafts: Valentine Week. Feb. 12 -16th
Celebrate Leap year at the Library. Feb. 26- March 1st. Crafts: Create a Handprint Frog and Lily pad, and a frog cupcake. Handprint lily pad idea found on the best ideas for kids and frog cupcake is found in the Winter Woman’s Day magazine.
Crafts February 19-23rd:Stop in and create a watercolor painting . Use crayons to create a watercolor resist painting.Also, we will have Air Dry Magic clay out to create
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February 16, 2024
Theresa Public Library
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Crafts: Valentine Week. Feb. 12 -16th
Celebrate Leap year at the Library. Feb. 26- March 1st. Crafts: Create a Handprint Frog and Lily pad, and a frog cupcake. Handprint lily pad idea found on the best ideas for kids and frog cupcake is found in the Winter Woman’s Day magazine.
Monday-Thursday: 12:00pm-6:30pm
Friday: 12:00pm-5:00pm
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