Dollar General Literacy Grant.
Theresa Public Library is a recipient of a $1000 Summer Reading Grant from
Dollar General’s Literacy Foundation.
These grants support the creation or expansion of summer reading programs.
Theresa Public Library’s Goal for this Grant is to offer one free copy of the titles,
How to train your dragon by Cressida Cowell, My Father’s Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannet, and Unicorn Night by Diana Murray.
We will be able to purchase 25 copies of each title and offer them to 25 families with the hope the families will use them to read the stories as a family aloud to each other.
Families are welcome to join us virtually in the months of June, July, and August
to read each title together.
We will post on our Facebook page Videos of the Books being read aloud.
Read aloud Schedule: June 5-30th How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell.
Watch for a new chapter every week day June 5-30th. Read by Author Cressida Cowell
July 10- 21, My Father’s Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannet.
Watch for a new chapter every week day July 10- 21
August 1st Unicorn Day by Dianna Murray
Please stop in before June 5th for a copy of the book
How to train your Dragon while supplies last.
Summer Reading registration Starts June 2nd.