Join us in June to learn how you can help bees, butterflies, birds and other pollinators thrive in your own back yard. Stop in May 31- June 10th Create a Mason Bee House with paper straws and tubes. Pick up a Grab and Go packet of information and A packet of Wildflower seeds to plant near your home to help pollinators .Pollinator populations are decreasing, mainly due to loss of habitat. Grow Smart® this summer by adding native, pollinator-friendly plants to your yard to aid in their survival. How-to pollinator STEM videos and DIY projects with Melinda Myers (for kids, teens and families) Making and Caring for a Bee House video with DIY project for kids, teens and families.
Growing a Sunflower for Pollinators video with DIY project for kids, teens and families
Growing a Pollinator Garden in a Container video with DIY project for kids, teens and families Pollinator Month Guide…/Pollinator-Month-poster-2022.pdfATC Pollinator Plant Guide…/ATCGrowSmart…ATC GROWING A POLLINATOR GARDENIN A CONTAINER…/GROWING-A-POLLINATOR-GARDEN-IN…Thank you to American Transmission Company , Melinda Myers, and the Milwaukee Public Library for providing us with these opportunities. #GROWSMART22