Monday-Thursday: 12:00pm-6:30pm
Friday: 12:00pm-5:00pmSearch the Catalog
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Adventure Passes available at Theresa Public Library.
Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, Bookworm Gardens, Horicon Aquatic Center, and daily State Park Pass Please contact the library for more information and availability of each pass. Each pass can be checked out by a library card holding patron and picked up and returned to the Theresa Public Library. The State Park pass is daily and doesn’t need to be returned to us.920-488-2342
6/14/2023 at 2pm at Theresa Public Library. There is a limit of 30 people for this program. Hope to see you there! Dinosaur Hunt .Join us on a trip back in time to the Mesozoic Era, where we’ll learn all about dinosaurs and the scientists who study them!